Welcome to Sokol Chicagoland! We have been in operation since 1959.  We are an independent unit of the American Sokol Organization whose mission is to provide fitness and community for individuals and families through physical, educational, cultural and social programs. 


We offer well-rounded gymnastics and physical education programs. Our certified instructors and assistants are dedicated to providing a fun and safe environment for participants of all ages and abilities. Fall events include track and field, Bring a Friend week, and a mini apparatus competition.  Spring brings an all-around apparatus competition and an awards picnic for all classes.


Sokol Chicagoland operates a nine-month program September through May each year supporting physical and moral health, good citizenship and responsible patriotism, combined with continuous self-improvement. Our multi-faceted programs are designed for a lifetime. Classes begin for children in first grade and extend through adulthood into senior years.